Category: Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities

Certification Exams of IT Configuring our environment Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities Installing and launching Streamlit IT Exams Local versus the cloud Streamlit features and widgets

The importance of turning an idea into a prototype – the changing scenario in computing methods – Getting to Know Streamlit – A Brief Overview

The importance of turning an idea into a prototype – the changing scenario in computing methods Computing has advanced dramatically over the past few decades. Earlier systems relied on programs that were installed and run on individual personal computers. Users would purchase software licenses, install the programs themselves, and then access those applications from their […]

Certification Exams of IT Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities IT Exams

Local versus the cloud – Getting to Know Streamlit – A Brief Overview

Local versus the cloud There are some key differences to keep in mind when developing software applications versus cloud-based web applications: To summarize, developing web applications on cloud platforms differs from building traditional software installations in key ways. Web apps are often easier to deploy, update, scale, and make highly available and mobile, involve more […]

Certification Exams of IT Configuring our environment Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities IT Exams

Setting up the OS 2 – Setting Up the Python Coding Environment

As we can see, Python 3 is already installed in Ubuntu, and when we type python3, we can enter Python and start coding. In Figure 2.3, we just printed a nice Hello Streamlit! message and then quit. If you encounter an error while typing python3, it is possible that your system has Python available as […]

Certification Exams of IT Configuring our environment Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities IT Exams

Setting up the OS – Setting Up the Python Coding Environment

Setting up the OS It’s extremely important to have a very well-working environment. The OS is the place where everything is supposed to run. Even if the first choice we are asked to make is in regard to the OS to be used, we can say that from this point of view, we are lucky, […]

Certification Exams of IT Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities Installing and launching Streamlit IT Exams

Installing and launching Streamlit – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality

Installing and launching Streamlit Finally, we are ready to write our code to create beautiful web applications! Where do we start? The first thing we must do is install Streamlit. So, let’s create a new directory – we will call it streamlit_course. Once you’re inside it, prepare a new virtual environment by typing the well-known […]

Certification Exams of IT Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities IT Exams Local versus the cloud

Streamlit features and widgets – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality

Streamlit features and widgets The very first step has been completed: Streamlit is up and running. What we need to do now is add text, widgets, elements, and more to make something beautiful that also works correctly. To start populating our web app with nice and useful widgets, we need to write some Python code. […]

Certification Exams of IT Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities IT Exams Streamlit features and widgets

Colored textboxes – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality

Colored textboxes In terms of text, we can have beautiful textboxes consisting of different colors to indicate a warning, an error, and so on. This kind of color code can be very useful when we’re building our web application. Let’s take a look at the code:st.success(“Success!”)“Information”)st.warning(“This is a warning!”)st.error(“This is an error!”) The first piece […]

Certification Exams of IT Configuring our environment Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities Installing and launching Streamlit IT Exams

Date, time, and more – Exploring Streamlit’s Features and Functionality

Date, time, and more Another very useful element that we can manage out of the box in Streamlit is date and time – that is, dates, hours, and so on. For example, to print today’s date on the screen, we just have to write the following:import datetimetoday = st.date_input(“Today is”, Here, the first line simply […]

Certification Exams of IT Configuring our environment Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities IT Exams Local versus the cloud

Configuring our environment – Streamlit Essentials – Configuring the Environment, Managing Packages, and More

Configuring our environment We are finally here and building our first web application from scratch! From scratch means working from the beginning, even before an empty Python file. The approach is easy – we start by sitting and coding together. Let’s start by creating our virtual environment, which is dedicated exclusively to this new app […]

Certification Exams of IT Configuring our environment Examples of Streamlit’s capabilities IT Exams Streamlit features and widgets

Installing and importing packages – Streamlit Essentials – Configuring the Environment, Managing Packages, and More

Installing and importing packages To make our web application work properly, we need the following Python packages: We can install all these packages in our virtual environment (so we must already be inside the virtual environment) by typing the following unique instruction:pipenv install streamlit textblob spacy neattext matplotlib wordcloud Please note that this operation can […]

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